Citizen Science Kits

To participate in ONfungi’s citizen science project and help save the planet discover all our products on our new ONfungi Shop page. Spring 2022 sale on now!

What is FDC?
Fungal dominant compost (FDC) is carefully crafted tree leaves, believe it or not. A two year process yields a nature based inoculate that, for reasons we are exploring, accelerates fungal enrichment of many kinds of soil.
The key features of ONfdc
  • Very high 3.7 to 1 fungal dominant ratio
  • production site is close to a remaining stand of old growth forest; a superb rich source of fungal spores
  • Scott’s many years of experience and care is proven to create a better fdc
What’s the benefit of ONfdc?

When FDC enriches the soil you get a number of benefits.

  • more soil based life. Protazoa, nematodes, fungi all grow
  • soil life is made of carbon. Hence! Carbon is taken from the atmosphere and put into the ground
  • carbon rich soils with reduced chemical loads are better at creating healthy food for you and your family


Get the kit, get growing

ONfungi’s citizen science experiments are designed for ages 10-100. You get a balanced kit of Fungal Dominant Compost (FDC). NEW: Experiment instructions from Dr. Alberto Suarez Esteban. And its all mailed to you no worries!

The new Spring 2022 Experiment cycle is shipping now. Order to join in. We have seed starting, garden prep, lawn support and farm field experiments.

How it works

You pick your experiment. Plant seeds/bulbs of your choice in your home soil; or, spread the FDC over your lawn; or, spray your no-till field — you decide what works best for your situation.

Whatever your choice: you add the FDC enhancer and you record the result. Finally, you upload your data to ONfungi and we share your data so everyone can learn!

What we’ve found so far, is that beneficial fungi will grow and spread down into the soil; adding carbon to the soil sure, but also helping the plants help each other! And the network, taken care of, will grow year after year after year. Or so we expect. Let’s find out!

Remember: 2021 results clearly showed soil carbon growth and bigger, healthier plants. Now we need to find out; can this be repeated (science); what plants might benefit the most, what soils?; Science needs your help!

Its easy, fun and an all around win/win. You win with healthier plants, science wins with better data, the planet wins with better soil. Huzzah.
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Did you know that the fungi / plant relationship is the product of 450 million years of coevolution?

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Are you ready to get started?

Just $30 lets you join the soil regeneration nation!

Go to our ONfungi Shop to order your $30 $22 (reduced price!) Spring 2022 Experiment kit for yourself, your family or neighbor. Donate to get kits to more kids. We have 500 kits to start. For 2022 our kit size has increased from 100 to 150g! Thanks to all our 2021 supporters — your help made this years growth possible.

PLUS, free shipping for the first 500 kits.

Your kit is mailed directly to you. Volunteers Louise and Tim are standing by!

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What other benefits are there?

You know the great joy of playing in the garden. Now bolster your lawn health. Feed your garden. Add to your farm soil fertility.

Further benefits of project participation should include a massive upgrade for your home and garden soils, including:

* YES store carbon
* YES improve crop harvest and hopefully plant nutrient density*, (thanks again 2021 supporters — with your help we were able to buy the devices required to measure nutrient density! So yes, you made this years growth possible.) plus:

* improve water storage in soil
* increase plant water use efficiency
* reduce or eliminate fertilizer use
* greatly reduced agrichemical pollution

* more bees and butterflies and worms and ants and cool beetles and … more

Joining in makes you a bit of an environmental hero really. Not saying you should swagger around the neighborhood boasting your science achievements. But you could.

Please come join us. Get a kit. Pick your experiment. Have fun playing in the mud!

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What’s in the kit?

Your kit now includes 150g of ONfdc. Experiment instructions. Access to the reporting feature and more … secret surprises? Maybe. Well. Yes, but we’re trying to be mysterious.
Your kit includes
  • 100g 150g of FDC
  • Experiment instructions
  • Access to the reporting feature
  • and more … secret surprises? Maybe. Well. Yes, but we’re trying to be mysterious.
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More about how it works

Step One: Collect your kit

ONfungi Spring 2022 Experiment Kits are mailing now. As soon as you buy your kit we start it on the journey to you. No waiting. Well, except for Canada Post and our handling process. Okay, minor waiting.

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Step Two: Plant your seeds, distribute your fungi trigger

Start your experiment by following one of the Spring Planting Plans. 

Pick a plan (we suggest one per kit):

Experiment 1: Lawn and/or Garden — $22

The first experiments are “easy” and look at root growth and plant performance using the fungi starter. OR; using ONfungi to study carbon sequestration in lawn soils.

The rooting test is done over two weeks (or more if you like). The experiment uses your garden soil and a small amount of the ONfungi starter. Root growth is measured and web reporting is easily done. The cost for the kit is $22 including shipping and tax. The kits are available from the shop.


Use the ONfungi FDC to try a soil inoculation and sequestration experiment. Here you make a liquid extract and apply to your lawn. A fungal to bacteria and carbon measurement may be required. Its a bit expensive so we’re working on how exactly to measure. (NOTE: FREE soil test to Lawn Experimenters in the Almonte/Perth/Westport areas. A $300 value. Limited availability.)

These experiments are suitable for a wide range of ages; from 8 to 88. Kelvin and Emma are doing an easy to follow set up guide. Study results will be gathered throughout 2022.

Experiment 2: Farm Field $tbd (due to anonymous donation we have 3 farm trials available for free to local area farmers)

This experiment works more closely with Scott and may require additional shipping and labour on the experimenters part. More for the high school/farmer and up experimenter.

Cost is normally $150. You receive onsite support as well as the required ONfungi starter and hands on support. Some testing may involve additional costs (carbon tests are $10 usd for materials…), but overall we expect the farm trials to be free for qualified farmers, at least for 2022. Again, all gratitude to the amazing support we had in 2021 from many, many people.

Step Three:
Report on results

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The experiments all rely on reporting periods. You’ll go online to; fill in your data; and become the goblin scientist!

We’ve tried to keep it straight forward. Its the many gathered reports that are important. And the community we build together. 
The reports from you are timed 2 to 4 weeks after planting as spring 2022 develops. 

To support the joyous profundity of life, to donate: The planet thanks you

Thanks to Fundrazr. These folks have been a blessing to us. They provided their platform and assistance at no cost to ONfungi. It appears they believe in what we are doing too.

We are also deeply grateful to Sustainable Eastern Ontario for their Intern Support Program. We had a great time in 2021 with Emma. She did some lovely science.

And we give thanks to for their help developing and publishing this work. Many hands make light work.